Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Shopping Haul

Yesterday felt like my Birthday, with all my packages that arrived in the mail. I just had to share!

My gorgeous Tailor's Ham is courtesy of Fait Avec on Etsy. Isn't he the cutest thing ever?

I also received this glorious ultramarine blue and evergreen linen for future camping garb - eight yards of each. The hard part will be deciding exactly what to do with each... More kirtles, maybe? Venetians? Campi gowns? What do you think?


  1. Oh!  The ham is the cutest thing ever.  He would seriously help make ironing fun.

  2. Aww, little hammy! So cute!

    Love those linen colors! I'd vote for a venetian out of the blue, and a campi out of the green!

  3. Anything to make that tedious chore more tolerable! 

  4. It might depend on what kind of leftovers I have from other projects as to what colors I have for guards, but I'm digging your idea.  My only trepidation is that I do have a blue Venetian that Serafina gifted to me (which I'm too chubby for at the moment, but I"m working on it):  
