My husband, Sven, is head of the Scholar's Guild in the Barony of Gryphon's Lair. With Their Majesties' support, he ran a Kingdom-wide Persona challenge wherein the entrants were to identify an art form that was used during their persona's timeline, and share five document-able facts about that art. This was the second challenge he's run.
He asked me if I would be willing to make prizes for the first and second place winners. Specifically, books! The idea was that the winners would work directly with me to indicate what kind of book they would want.

Cynric wanted lined pages, so I created the lined paper with custom spacing and color (dark green), and printed it out double-sided on a high quality smooth finish paper. for making the signatures.

His personal device sports a rampant horse, so I attached a silver horse pendant to the bookmark, giving it a bit of "Cynric flair."
This was the first time I've tried using metal corners. I fear they may fall off one day, but only time will tell. I adhered them to the corners using some PVA glue, and compressing the metal with pliers. I suspect such ornamentation in period would have been custom crafted and probably tacked in with nails or screws - I must do more research into this. While I'm very much enjoying bookbinding, I'm still quite new to it. This is only my fourth book, and my second of this size.

The endpapers are a red linen textured paper chosen from my stash by Lord Cynric. Endpapers are usually a full signature in width, but in this case they are only half that.