I have not been sitting in the dark since the gold brocade gown, though that may seem to be the case. After the announcement that I would be sitting vigil for elevation to Laurel, I depended on the lovely Serafina Basso, who did my gown with the assistance of several people in beading and jewelery. I was utterly pleased with the results, pictures of which can be seen all over the web, but here are a few of my favorites:

I take pretty much no credit for that gown, save perhaps the design and fabric choice (a fabulous green/blue shot silk taffeta imported from Thailand). But, of course, I had to share.
Since then, I have created a Golden Maple Leaf Scroll, a Norse tunic, and a norse rectangular cloak.
The latest project was a ginger colored linen gown, with aqua linen guards. It was originally intended to be a middle-class Open-front Venetian, but ended up more of a Campi-style working class, with a dropped V-waistline rather than straight. This all happened accidentally due to an error in seam allowance, but it all worked out rather well, I think.
The dress is quite comfortable. The bodice is interlined with cotton duck and the front, along the hand-sewn eyelets, is boned with four pieces of 1/4" spring steel boning (2 pieces in each channel, 2 channels on each side). The guards were hand sewn, and the apron was added at the last minute with a scrap of grey linen and some red cotton cord from my stash. The apron was 100% sewn by hand.
I'm overall quite pleased with how this project turned out, though I do intend to create matching sleeves for days I don't want to be quite so "dressed down." I now have camping garb that both fits and is in good repair. It is a momentous occassion!